Tuesday, August 7, 2007

So Sad

I went to Florida for five days with my friend last week. When I came home, I found out that one of favorite chickens died. Ally. Also, one of my sisters chickens is sick. He can't stand up right. It's the same thing that happened to one of her other roosters. I had a good time in Florida, but it was sad coming home to such bad news.


Anonymous said...

i am sorry your chicken died! :( but how did you like florada? oh and buy the way i pt it on other cause i couldnt rember my password!!

chickengirl said...

yeah, i'm sorry 2.
florida was great! it was really fun. i think i wrote about it in
sorry u can't remember ur password!

Anonymous said...

ya. did you know that miley cyrus has chickens?!!!!

Kelli said...

i read it in a magizene!! and i rembered my pass!! well i didnt remberit i just pt it on a different pass

chickengirl said...

i no! it's so cool that she does. her pets sound kinda like mine, but i don't have dogs {my mom's alergic} or horses, though i want some.

p.s. it's good u changed it. my sis tried to make another account, using my mom's e-mail, but she typed the wrong 1!! so now someone is probably like, "wat the heck??" lol!

Kelli said...


chickengirl said...

ysh, i no! she hasn't gotten on that blog since she made it!!